WAHPC Board Nomination Form

WAHPC Mission:

Founded in 1985, the Wisconsin Association of Historic Preservation Commissions, Inc. (WAHPC) is a non-stock, non-profit Wisconsin corporation, formally affiliated with the Wisconsin Historical Society. WAHPC connects the work of local historic preservation commissions with broader preservation trends. By serving as a clearinghouse, WAHPC also provides relevant and timely information to organizations, communities, and individuals that engage in local preservation efforts.


Expectations for WAHPC board candidates:

  1. Membership in WAHPC.
  2. Participation in at least 6 (1-2 hour) Zoom meetings per year.
  3. Attendance at the annual spring conference.
  4. Participation in conference site planning.
  5. Access to email and willingness to participate on various committees (Membership and Newsletter, Website and Facebook, etc.) as appointed.

The Nominating Committee of the WAHPC Board of Directors seeks nominees for election to the Board. Voting members of WAHPC may suggest a candidate for board service by submitting the candidate’s name and a brief resume.

Please fill out this form to nominate someone to serve on the WAHPC Board for a three-year term, which begins on the date/time of election.

Jason Flatt – WAHPC Board President – 715.735.1881

WAHPC Board Calls for Nominations

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WAHPC Member Name*
Mailing Address